Wednesday, November 19, 2008

segalanya bermula di sini..

just ignore the title,ya..i just saw an advs today which give me some idea for this blog..well.i tried my best to get name for this blog,and end up with,feel free to give me anything or info if u all got new name for this blog..

i feel great now,coz at least can do something fro my ex-YS student/friends here..but let have a broad vision, as long as all of u or any ex-YS wana joins here,why not?not necessary from our batch,rite? but hope with good intentions then..

hopefully,from here no more complaints regarding FS is slow,or hard to post or watsoever..well,really hope those who are in oversea ( u know who are they?),please give us here some info about oversea life,culture or show us good pics there..

anyway,dont grilled ur head thinking of my title's meaning yah!! its just so easy,just find out the major race in sabah..

until then,hope u all will contributes to this site...BAh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi musse~

regarding the fs thing.. seriesly I can't access to the forum tau.ntah. nda tau kenapa...

thanks for this brilliant idea. thefore semua org d batch kita can got the info faster :) + keep on promoting the page yg penting tu...

Congrats to U!
