Friday, January 30, 2009

this is AWE-wait for it-SOME !!!

Yeah,within this 1week, i watched few great movies,which most of it,havent come to our local panggung yet..Thanks for all the software which can make me watch this for free,hehe..well,im not a movie-goer,but i enjoyed watching in my laptop bah..

So,lets enjoy it..


about a car, asian neighbourhood, gangster and an old white take revenge with legal way,this old man sacrified himself for the justice..and,really nice to see how a retired soldier/construction businessman help a growing up boy,from ASEAN..haha,wish that boy come from malaysia,specifically sabah..haha


4 american black guys soldier during world war 2..sia suka juga coz selama ini always about white people fighting for america,but dunno where were the 'Red Indian' or black people..very nice movie about love,superstitious and promises..and to see a black guy with Italian boy together,with different language, macam ayam and itik bah..satu cakap lain,satu ingat lain..

haha,a poor man turn out be a millionaire,just because wanna make sure his girlfriend can see him thru TV,coz she works in the kitchen, a house belongs to part is,all the questions (macam soalan2 dari jamaludin hassan bah), happens in that man's life..macam siapa pelakon terkenal movie dalam xxxx movie,dia tau coz pernah dapat autograf that actor..and,which city cambridge hall located in britain,dia tau coz dia tukang pembuat kopi di syarikat telekomunikasi yang setiap bandar di dunia,got maps di syarikat dia..kebetulan,dia ada kawan kerja di bahagian Britain's section..hahaha


Gosh, i love Kate Winslet!! 1st time saw her during Titanic movie..well,i didnt go to cinema bah,but my friend in hostel invited me go to his house and watched vcd..and,my friend just wanna see that naked-body-for-painting scene saja!!haha,and that was the 1st and last time saw her (and her body figure as well!) now,with this movie,really great..a woman and young boy relationship?if di sabah mg sudah kena sogit ni..2hours and macam first hour,semua about their explicit scenes,wau..and to see her body figure again,really shocked me!!after i compared time dia muda2 masa Titanic..well,just try ask any guys yang watched titanic,mesti dorang ingat lgtg that body-figure scene,and once u all see this movie,i bet some of them will be in bad mood.well,we all grow older,kan?

The Curious case of Benjamin Button

this is an awesome movie!!really!! i did read it in my iPhone,and that short story happened during 1840,but the way the Director put it,i cant imagined how beautiful the scenes..well,it was directed by the same director of "Forest Gump" was about a guy who was born kind with some contrast with the norm,already old at 80's, n later died with the baby's eh?honestly,i dont like the story from the novel,but that movie really get me...well,until i watched that movie too,i never say/agree that Brad Pitt is an handsome guy,but he really though in that acting,with no wrinkle....and the best script that i likes; "would u like me when im younger with acne?bed wet?and scared anytg under the stairs?"


Again, sad movie from will smith..maybe u all are wondering, why "seven pounds"?not seven organs or seven kilogram?haha..well,they took it from a novel too, " A merchantless of nile".something about redemption,how to reapy for ur mistakes,gitu2la..a story about a man try to make sure,7 people yang dia mau pilih to donate his properties,and also organs are well deserved,he went and approached them personally..why do so?coz,he took 7 lifes including his wife,by his mistakes thru car accident..anybody wana try?

p/s: well,its a good suggestion Yaya..maybe we can do that so=)sia setuju..


Hello... Hello... Hi! its Yaya here. :)

Currently listen to Lucky by Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat... Have u heard this song before?
ala... yang lyric dia macam ni...

"Lucky that I'm in love with my bestfriend,
Lucky to have been where I have been... "

Well, this is my first blog after been approved by Prim. thanks ya Prim. ngee. wah.. kinda sesat jugak with the command here. maybe due to unfamiliar html command. never mind... I'll learn it and sooner or later will be expert on this. :)

Okay... How are you guys today? the weather here in KL is better than yesterday... hari ni sangat cerah and I think its good for the laundry thing. Isn't it ladies? hehe. What do I want to write in today? I do have several idea to write down but because of this is my first blog, therefore I just want to give my remarks today. you know.. the introduction part.

Currently, I'm here in my campus. IIUM. still here for the degree (ya la kan.. most of us finished already with the study even some are working too). the good news for my study is.. this is my finale sem. yeahhh! suda nda sabar mo habis and put meself in the real world plus I miss my hometown... (homesick~ homesick~) Rindu to go to tamu - jalan2 pegi pulau - makan seafood and shopping! to be honest ya.. shopping at Sabah is better than here. plus the price is cheap compare to here. Last time I went to 1Borneo.. Nine West wallet - the new arrival one only RM150. very cheap price. even Habib there the price begin 300++. cheap kan? compare to here? I think its like 50-70%. mahal oooo... :P

Oh ya, since the page is dedicated to YS student batch 1997-2001... I want to suggest something here... why don't we make an alumni then? boleh ka tu? make it official one. So, mana la tau one day we can meet again and do the activity together. If we can make it real.. that would be more meaningful kan to our batch. Siapa setuju nanti post comment here k. :)

I was browsing our group page at friendster and suddenly found this:

Comel kan? kan? hihi. But I wasn't there. credit to the person who post it to the groups' photo. :) kalo di tinguk balik kan.. berubah suda ni muka semua orang, including me :). haha.

Oklaa.. I think I have to go now.. gotta do something here. mcm mo pg Klcc jak rasa ni.. haha. I wish you guys have a wonderful weekend with your loved one, families and friends. ya.. before I forgot... Be safe okay :)

* those who are currently in Klang Valley, don't hesistate to text me if u wanna see me. I can spare u a time bah! hehe. text me at friendster k. :)

God Bless~

Yaya sign off ^^,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

News About Me

Well.. Well, Its 2009 and we've become older and bolder. Thanks Prim, for letting me to be an author for this blog. Hi Everyone! I hope you ALL sihat, kalau sakit jumpa Dr. Prim OK.. Hahaha

I'm now currently on 1 month holiday, starting 24th DEC 2008, Spent almost 2 weeks in KL coz too much marriage invitation... Too good to deny, Makan punya pasal ma,... sudahlah aku sudah 3 bulan makan makanan italy ja.. pasta/pizza everyday... Guess how i taste a spagheti bolognese now??? Kalau org sabah ni.. mau juga makan yg biasa2 ja.. Bosou ka, ikan putih rebus sama bambangan ka.. tuhau pun favourite juga tu.. Ikan masin pun layannnn....

Lepas balik dari KL terus aku balik Kudat, Yeah of course to see my fiancee... well ex-fiancee now.
Sad news for me, aku putus tunang at 17th January...
Reason?? Maybe tiada jodoh or its my nature to be so unlucky with girls...
I'm beginning to think that man like me its not easy to get lucky with girls.. Yeah! work abroad.. Kerja kapal.. People will think so big. If you all understand what i mean.. Of course they'll think i have unlimited girls abroad. what else?? Sailors were understandably drinkers and Fxxkers. As some people might think..

Up until now.. hari2 pg KK urus macam2.. hari2 stay home tgk TV series... Keluar pg 1Borneo main Pool. Paling happy stay dgn family.. Kan??
Err.. Sekarang ni pula aku ada kegilaan baru.. mo beli kereta.. I plan to buy Lancruiser Prado or orang bilang Prado King.. But i cant help looking at Ninja King or Cygnus as well.. I'm hoping anyone have info or experience with this car can help me to choose. What car is better??? Prado King or Ninja King. I'm thinking before to buy Caldina but its quite useless for the road in sabah... Lagi2 la sekarang musim hujan, nampak betul guna kereta 4WD ni tau... Banjir sana sini... lopak bukan main lagi.. Haish... So Help me decide OK????

Maybe early FEB i'll be back to work... Next Destination IBIZA, Palma de Mallorca.. Spain.
Sorry Mr. Prim no Pic this post. Maybe later, i will write here whenever i'm free.

P:S/ Anyone free mo lepak2 bleh la email aku OK?? Jangan tunggu terjumpa di tamu baru mo tegur.. hehehe

God Bless all Ex-YS Student... May Luck be with you ALL.

Monday, January 19, 2009

warning !!!

Well,since CNY is just around the corner, it always mean that raining for the whole days..otherwise,there wont be 2 death cases in Beluran about boat sinking and drowning !!
so just be careful guys coz time2 ni memang best pmandi sungai,pancing udang or show-off with ur swimming skill,eh?

nowdays pun,KK kuat hujan,bikin takut bawa kereta!! tapi best juga coz urang bertapuk dirumah n susah datang hospital..haha

p/s: kepada cikgu-cikgu kita disini,plz make sure anak2 murid anda enda punteng pigi mandi sungai yah..

But then,once again in KK, still about school children, lot of street children already go work or become "penjaja"..some people feel pity for them,some are not coz they are PTI..and if u just let them wondering around,of course social issues are the main concerns!! and just to see them jual ikan somewhere at field?gosh..especially in wetmarket..anybody been in Sandakan wet market before?terrible!!

they will just follow u and begging to buy the black plastic@bahai..yeah,i felt pity but the fact is still the fact that they are illegal imigrants and its totally tarnished our state image..but,this is not our duty,coz we have enforcement for this matter? the question is,how strict and success this enforcement? I just wish,somehow we will have another type of Chong Kah Kiat where he was brave enough to make sure all the immigrant quarters being destroyed..kudos to him!

p/s: each of you should have ur own view regarding this matter,right?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

p/s : Thank you, Y.S !!!

Last week must be the happiest time for few children, school started again!! yeah..but, in reality, there were some people who face this problem..cannot go to school due to financial problem and unable to cope with school environment..

Gosh,sia betul2 terkejut bila baca news dalam NSTP about sabahan bumiputra, esp Kadazandusun di Penampang..most of them, enda mau p sekolah, or tiada niat langsung mau p sekolah..even yang pergi pun, terpaksa tinggal di asrama yang jauh dari rumah dorang, sebab nya,untuk pergi ke sekolah saja perlu 4 hours..sepa tahan!! but once stayed in hostel, terpaksa pula terima "ragging" culture and home sickness..ada juga yang sampai lari dari hostel..

then,compared with our days, lain pula ceritanya kan?we were so lucky stayed in serba cukup facilities and good teachers surround us..but,still ada juga yang sebahagian dari kita yang "fly malam" coz mau pbeli sigup or roti canai=)

Yupe,i never realized that our people have this kind of problem..if di semenanjung,normally just orang asli yang terima nasib macam ini,but to hear such news di Penampang? tempat idaman most of laki2 sabah mau cari isteri, really sad..

Can blame this children indeed..coz,dorang sudah biasa with their environment and i agreed,it was totally hard to leave it esp mau p belajar di tempat orang..even u managed to go somewhere else pun, if us still attach to ur place, either u fail in ur new environment or show a bad attitude..sia masih lagi ingat my YSmate di SAAS, with the environment yang cukup sempurna, dia jadi jajal and play around..if only he knows about some people aren't so lucky to get that oppurtunity!!

So, it was like a dream come true when we got that YS scholarship and studied in boarding school compared with some of our friend who stayed in crowded-lack-of-facilities hostel..but, one thing yang we totally cannot ignored is their spirit to study even in this kind of situation..

p/s: Kudos to those "sabahan" yang started this idea of giving scholarship..