Monday, December 21, 2009

Now press repeat.

Pics in Facebook.

It's 630 am. Brilliant weather, I said to myself. "Ba mamanau po'". Kinarut to Tg. Aru, excited. The day has finally come. It's been some time since we all meet. By 'we', I meant ex- Yayasan Sabah scholars sent to Peninsular anytime between 1997 till 2001. I'm excited, for sure. Some of us haven't seen each other for at least 8 years.

710 am. Yes, I'm here early. Let's see, to find a pondok with a freaking bbq coal pot. Walked along the beach, adeh cantiknya. I miss the beach. Bertahun-tahun tia pigi beach. 730 am, Eron arrived with his fiancee, Kristy. I was a lil bit dissapointed. Why? I'm not sure. =p Anyway, we decided to put our things under an empty hut. Kristy, tunangnya si Eron, brought along their lil pup, Mimo. Mo bikin samluk kali ni ging. Haha, =p. Set up the arang with the expired fire starter. Took a while, 20 mins? Haha. Then, Jenn sampai with her, damn things. Banyak ba si Jenn bawa, uji rashids and the geng, nasi, sayur dildos, serving plates, lada, I mean every little bit of detail not missed by Jenn, well Jenn's mum. Haha. Sporting ba mem si Jenn. She even packed along playing cards.

A bit later, Yaya and Dayang came, hugging along our mihun goreng. Right, all food is here. Attendance at this point is...6. What the hell. Tiapa, it's still 9 am. Ok, time to panggang the fishes. Hmm, err ikannya belum disiang deh. Hahahaha, Jenn had to observe and practice Yaya's "Cara menyiang ikan" attentively. She needs all the practice she can get, going to be a wife in 6 months. Then came a problem, cleaning them fishes. Restaurant nearby refuses to lend us their sink, we would have to buy water from the public toilet, so Yaya forced us to use the nature's gift, the sea. Ya, ni kali la ging. 3 girls washing the insides of the fishes with sea water, with me happily just holding the ice box. Luckily,it's quite early, not a lot of people were looking at us, pretending to catch fish from the sea by hand. Pro~

Start panggang food, then our first guest Yan came. I lied, she had to be picked up by Jenn. I really salute her for coming, having being just discharged from hospital last Friday. Buli tahan semangat si kawan. Kudos. Sakit2 pun datang ba. After a while, I sent query messages to all confirmed attendees.

Hehe, macam2 alasan ba suma. Ada yang baru jalan dari Kota Belud, ada yang sesat, ada yang masih di tenom, ada yang menghadiri majlis keramaian keluarga, ada yang baru mo jalan dari Keningau and the best of all, our main guest, Dr. Primus, is at the hospital still doing rounds. Haha. Faham juga ba. Although, this sure highlighted our appreciation to our guest at the time.

After a while, Victor came, after walking along the beach from Shangri-La hotel to Tg.Aru 2."Lambai sa kalu kamu nampak sa ya." All we saw was a man wearing a fluorescent green top with a bag of gifts. VICTOR!! Haha. He does know how to make an entrance. Then came Azmi from Kota Belud, kunun. Oh by the way, tunangnya dia on the 26th of December at Ranau. Ba, sepa tia puas ati, pi crash! I'm joking,don't do that. Then the Ranau taikos arrived, Ron and Lourenc. They look exactly the same as I've remembered them.

Kitai, pa rahsia mo maintain o. Buyuk ni. Pastu, I volunteered myself to be buried under the sand, na semangat terus durang. Haha. Damn, those sand boobs were heavy. They sculpted a lady-boy out of me, god damn it. Teda benda lain ka? Hehehe. A little bit after that, main guest Primus arrived with his colleagues. Na, pa lagi bunga2 yang masih single, pigila cuba nasib. Haha.

After eating, it was time to leave. I mean gift. It's time for the gifts. We took our numbers, everyone hopefully picking the biggest and coolest present. I, on the other hand, praying that a female will get my gift. First up, Victor si Rudai. Got Ron's kura-kura. When pressed, "Muah muah, I love you~". Haha.

Sedih ba Victor. Next, Miss Yaya in the house! She got Azmi's present. We forced her to unwrapped it, she was too sayang to unwrap the beautiful gift. She got teaset which she was really happy to receive. Third on list was Dayang. She picked my name. I was glad at least a girl is going to unwrap my gift. Although I was gonna run to the sea either way. I didn't know what happened when she unwrapped it, cause I was busy in the sea burying my face in it. Some undies and Choki-choki.Yea, I am that shallow for picking that gift, seriously. I'm sorry Dayang, huhu. Nanti sa upgrade. Up next was Eron. He got Yaya's or Dayang's gift. A pen. It is what it is. Clean and no fuss. Azmi was after Eron, and what he got was Eron's Oolong tea cup. Yammmmmmmmm senggggggg. Ongkor seterusnya mencuba nasib. He received Jenn's 18SX table lamp. A nude figurine with his errr penis as the on off switch. With every flick, it must be painful being that figurine. 7th person to receive mystery gift was Ron Douglas. What he got was a stark contrast to what Victor received. Hahaha, two ornamental gifts given by Victor. Yes, two gifts. Haha mengamuk ka Vic?

Hehehe. Two gifts left, the obvious kura-kura and the obviously identical pen gift. Hmm, me and Jenn left with Jenn declaring "Saya tida mau kura-kura!". She was lucky, cause I picked the remaining kura-kura and Jenn unwrapped the final pen gift. Ho yeh!

Azmi had to leave early, he's helping his wife-to-be with some shopping. Mo bertunang la katakan. Victor follow suit, "Sa kerja ba ni ging,kuar skijap pi join kamu.". Their efforts was much appreciated, tunjuk muka pun jadila. Eron and Kristy had to go as well, as they have something planned for the rest of the day. This event could not be successful without them two. There was still a lof of food left, damn. A few Primus's friends came, and still there's a lot of food left. Tj and Emmanuel called, letting us know, they are coming from Keningau at 1230pm. Yay, more friends! Primus melayan kawan-kawannya yang tida dapat balik semenanjung atas sebab kerja, while I dive into the sea with a seawater virgin. "First time ni
mandi laut", dia bilang. Biasala, Tenom teda laut. Haha. "Masin!". Err, yea it is saltwater. It was really great in the sea, with the cute waves on you, great temperature, great weather. All was great except them freaking jellyfishes. Damn, banyak ba kan. We had to be alert not to be stung, although banyak ba doctors on shore, ready for mouth to mouth CPR if we're stung. Hahaha.

TJ and Emmanuel finally arrived at 2pm. Man, how much Nuel changed. Hahahaha. The pictures speaks for themselves. More chat, more seawater, more food, it was a great feeling. And tiger ping, although I didn't had any. Driving ba kan. =p. We chilled till it was sunset, the warm yellow sunshine bathed us into it. That night, some of us went out for some happy hour karaoke. It was fantastic, with everyone showcasing their vocal abilities. A certain someone also beat Nuel in two games of pool. Haha.

To be totally honest, I was bit gutted. I was expecting a bit more people coming having been left dissapointed. I do realized people are busy, and so are we. I do know that some people are "ashamed" and feeling insecure to meet up with old friends. "Kamu suma blajar tinggi2." I can honestly say, we do not compare each other's achievements or wish to. Everyone has got their own story, there wasn't any one person that came that was like " Aku belajar tinggi2 ba, ko apa ada?Ptuih! ". Sorry for the negative tone, I guess I was quite dissapointed. We just wanted to get together with old friends, talking about old memories, reminiscing the past for a short while.

All in all, I was glad this event was a success. It marks another wonderful memory in our lives, I'm sure of it. Sad of the attendance, could have done with a lot more commitment. That being said, this is not the end, there will be a lot more events coming. Thanks for those who came and special thanks for committees, Jennifer, Eron, Kristy, Hidayah, Dayang and Primus. Without you guys, I could not have made this alone. Aramai ti.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

...better late than never... kan?

hello.. hello...

Hi there; yaya ni. :)

Lama sudah sa nda menulis ni.. quite a few month I think :)

What's up now??

I'm sleepy already now; eventhough it's just 1034pm...

okay laa.. mau taip pun macam salah2 sudah..

I donno what is up to me... my eyes memang tidak memberi kerjasama yang bagus tonite.

Well.. wanna take this opportunity to wish you all;

... Happy Ramadhan to all muslim friends...

... Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya to all...

... Have a nice day to nite to all of us...

ohya.. by the way; anyone who has facebook account add me ya. jan kamu lupa tau..

and don't forget to join our discussion yg semakin hot itu di facebook sana. apa lagi..

about reunion.. P.I.C dia skarang si Joy. nda gitu.

and our yellow pages lady is si Atie.

okay. chow chow. nite2 everyone.

yaya sign off.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hi Hi Hi

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the silence.
Its been a while since i log into here..
Been busy with something that not important actually..

Hmm.. Now i'm in Nord Sea,
Embarked in Norway few weeks ago.
Will go back home hopefully before Hari Raya.
And this time i want you all to come to my house ok?

Its been pretty boring up here..
nothing special.. just the same ol' shit, just different day.. i guess.
As it now rough sea, about 7-10 metres wave.
Standby doing nothing.. enjoying the wave.
Earning easy money.

Where's Dr. Prim Btw?
I've some medical question for you.. if you can give an opinion. I will appreciate it.
Afterall, you are the only doctor friend i have.
Its my friend, here in offshore..
really depressed about the news from his wife about his new born son.
His son is now 1 month old. No sign of sickness or pain.
Just the problem is the child have imbalance testicles size. One is big and one is small.
I'm just trying to help calm him down actually. His wife already went to clinics and the doctor said the big testicle absorbs water?? Is this true?
It's really pity of him because his 1 year old daughter just died last year of Meningitis.
So, if you know what i mean.... he is really depressed and could not face another problem for his children. So Please help.. give some opinion. Not only Dr. Prim but anyone who might know anything.

i felt quite dizzy now..
Time to sign off..
Prim, give me your email again..
Just if i have any medical question to ask.

Ciao all..

Monday, May 18, 2009

:: MAY Story ::

Hello there. Yaya ni. :)
Lama sudah tidak menulis ni.. series suda ni... haha
I'm here still in Malaysia but the internet connection at my home was damn bad.
that's why I took so long time to post a new blog to you.
and here I am at Putatan town in the CC to write for you. heeee..

So, apa cerita kita?
Me? I'm menganggur and seeking for job yang equal to my qualification and people who are really want to hire me. unfortunately, its been three weeks and I'm so jobless. bosan suda duduk di rumah. pasal nda tau mo buat apa suda...

okay.. let me story u on my vacation di North Malaysia last month. Siapa yang dulu sekolah di Kedah, Perlis and Penang mesti rindu mo tengok situation sana kan.. hehe. Here is some photo that I want to share... Enjoy~

I really lucky this time. after been several years... I'm here at my Secondary school SMKAP Kangar, Perlis

Sempat jua sia pg Gua Kelam... Still like the last time I've been there

I managed to go to Penang as well. Macam2 suda ada di sana. from the Old town Penang sampai ke Times Square Penang... hehe

Jambatan Pulau Pinang still macam dulu...

the old Komtar is still there too...

the New building in the town - Penang Times Square :)
Banyak lagi mau cerita ni... tapi masa belum ada.. bah, I try to figure out the best broadband that I can use here in Sabah. especially in Kinarut area. anyone have suggestion. kindly put it in the comment box or the chat box. okay? :)
bah.. its May already and something special for this month to all citizen in Sabah, We got Tadau Kaamatan here kan? My dad says the celebration will be held in Papar. bah, can't wait to see it.
till then, yaya sign off.
p/s: prim, ari tu pg vacation mana gambarnya? post2 laa sini... xxx

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Checkmate?!!! Yupe,sounds like playing chess eh?..have u ever play it before? well,i really like it coz somehow u need to plan ur strategy to capture the king..and if u did,u will say it loudly..Checkmate!!

Today, im not planning to teach u how to play chess bah!! haha,but i wanna share 2 stories that i had been thru for the past 4 weeks..

First, i met my future in-laws, together with my girlfriend a.k.a fiancee, stayed at their home, go church together, and having dinner in restaurant. This is such an important meeting for me coz we will discussing about my marriage - soon !! and we did that after a church prayer especially for Palm Sunday ( 1 week before Good Friday ). we had that discussion in that restaurant, and both of my fiancee's parents tried to express their feelings as well as hope for their daughter..bear in mind that i gone thru all this alone, without my parents over my side - im pretty independence since our YS time,so all my stuffs i will do it by myself,including this time..believe me,that was such a scary time for me, and every time i have to say something, im really scared if my future in-laws like it or not..they ask me about my planning, my carieer since i wanted to join army so i can do my Orthopaedic master so fast, and what i can provide to their was the moment when i truly think i am a man, ready to have a big responsibility and take care of others..i always remember when i watched Chinese drama, the groom always scared when that time is come, and i myself always "kutuk" him,thinking that it was nothing..until i have gone thru it by myself..GOSH!! after such a long discussion, QA session, i really glad when my future in-laws like my plans, and have a faith in myself..but, it was funny when i need to be a good man during that time, do the showmanship as well as "berbudi bahasa" was such a priceless experience for me..someday, when i have a daughter, for the same reasons, i will do the same things like this..

2 weeks after that, my mother brought me to my cousin's engagement..well, i cant say this is an engagement, since they already did it, but this time, the groom's side came to the house to deliver the "Berian" or "Mas Kahwin", am i right? they invited the ketua kampung, Pastor ( S.I.B priest ) and my mother..well, it was such an important occasion for my cousin, coz they will pick a date for their wedding..and once the groom gave the Berian to my uncle, he asked me to count it, just because the groom wanted to make sure it was a correct amount..obviously my uncle didnt want to count by himself so that the groom's side wont think that he was such a "Mata Duitan", right?

So, i believed that finding a lifemate or life partner is just like playing a chess, u need to think hard, plan ur strategy and provides a good move only to do "CHECKMATE"...sometimes if u fail to do so, the opponent will attack or kill ur king, or in our reality, some other man/woman will take ur partner..then again, u need to find another king to do "CHECKMATE" again..then, how about if that partner is not compatible with you?

So my advice here: Only do the CHECKMATE if u think u have find ur soulmate...(*_*)

P/S: sorry guys, Jags for didnt post anytg here for quite sometimes..Anyway, condolence to your family and you as well for your loss..May His soul rest in piece..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rest in Peace

Hi to all my fellow friends...

Where have you all been? It's seems no one have a new story to share? Come on...... i know your life is not as bored as mine. Just share it here.. for god sake! Even a few lines should be no problem.
You got to be kidding me having this Blog in Silenzio for too long. WRITE!!! Otherwise kadubasville will "transform" to my own blog... Hehehe.

Ok now i would just write my story about yesterday...

Yesterday, was pretty shocking.
I woke up in a shock.
My mom wake me up... told me that Janang is dead!
I was stunned for a moment, and asked why? Mom's said "accident"
For your info: Janang is a boy that adopted by grandfather during he was a kid, i think maybe about 10 years then he leave to live his life somewhere else. He spent his childhood in my grandfather's house together with my aunts and all. I know i should call him like uncle or something but, me? having literally grew up together with my fellow aunts... makes me easy to call him just 'Janang'...
He is not close enough with me i must say... Well, i'm seldom home, as you all know.. since form 1 i've never spent a full year in sabah... But in only God knows-why miraculous way, almost every time i go to Kudat centre, whenever i've mentioned in my head.."Hmm... Where is Janang now"
And Guess what? Saw him passed by with his car, van or lorry or maybe just saw him walking by... i don't know how many times this happen! even though he change his transport a lot, and he's also told me he works somewhere not close to Kudat. Even my aunts and uncles go back to Kudat often, they seldom seen him around. But for sure, I like him... very much. Every time he sees me, then he will mention about how i was when i was a small kid... and get a good laugh about it. He was a very nice man... i must say.

It was before my last trip to Spain, last time i saw him... We were filling in Petronas Kudat.
It was my father who said, "hmm, its a long time since i see Janang is it?".
I told him.. "hahaha, i've seen him in my last trip here.. "
And guess what, a lorry passed by, Huh... pretty miraculous huh??
Janang came down and, I said, we just mentioned about you... Aha...
I guess most malays said it was a "Panjang Umur" sign or whatsoever...
Well i aint fuckin' believe it no more...

I heard while i'm Offshore, he came to my house in KK for visiting. I'm not there of course.
And Yesteday, I'm "visiting" him for the last time at his funeral in Sikuati...

To Janang ... May his soul Rest in Peace....

To Muslim friends: Please Sedekah Al-Fatihah to my friend/uncle ...

Best regards to all!!

Joe a.k.a Jagz

"Life's go on... Thank God we are still alive, Live our life to the fullest."

Moral of the story: Kada Pindriver-driver .. :) @ malay ckp: Jgn memandu sewenang2nya

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Hi All,
I guess i should write something huh.
Just came back from a trip to pangkor yesterday..
Lol, it was a boring trip btw..
I was shocked that Pangkor isn't that great as told..
Anyway the main reason for me to have this vacation is easy.. I want to take beautiful landscape view for my Camera!!! Kunun2 photographer la... ceh
I just bought a brand new DSLR Canon 450D with 18-55mm lens.. I think its enough for me as an Entry Level... Soon i will upload some of the pics i took here. Not now, too damn tired.
Still reading the manual and guide from Internet.. So many things i still didnt understand.
Anyone have experience in handling any DSLR you can give me some tips an tricks maybe??
Hurmm.. i've been accessing this blog through handphone... hehehe..
Oh!! Also bought iPhone 3G from Maxis.. As i've said to Prim Before..
And it is freakin' awesome!!! Sometime i think the internet connection for the 3G is faster than Wifi... Although i didnt jailbreak the phone, so i have to purchase it legitimately.. It was cool btw..

p/s: JM,
I got some latest job email.. just send it even though it require experiences. Kasi hantam ja.. mana tau lucky kan? U can try the E&I or whatever... shyt the latest job i got most of them have to be proficient in other language eg: Nepali, Urdhu etc.. Crazy!!!
So i just give u this! Even though in China, tp teda requirement language. Note that this company have many projects besides this.. So... Hantar sama sitihashimah ni.. then dapat access to all projects... suruh dia try semua, mana2 yg approve.. jalan la.


From: Siti Hasmah Mohamad
Subject: Requirement - Jack up Rig Fabrication

Date: Wednesday, 8 April, 2009, 9:02 AM

Dear Sir,
We are looking for various positions, below are the details.
Position : Project Manager (1), Drilling Engineer (1), E & I Engineer (1) and Steel Structure Engineer Engineer (2).
Start date : ASAP
Duration : 32 months
Base Location : Fabrication Yard in China or Vietnam
Experiences required : Exp. in jack up rig fabrication
If you're interested, kindly forward your latest CV, relevant certifcates and let me know your expected rate and availability date.
Looking forward to hear good news from you and hope that you can forward this email to your friends.
Siti Hasmah Mohamad
OAG Group of Companies
Box 388 Suite 7.15 Level 7
Wisma Central Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03 - 2166 1068
Fax : 03 - 2166 2068

Friday, April 3, 2009

Now press repeat

Blehhhhhh. So fekkin' tired. Baru jak balik dari London. Was on the train back when kiayee ym-ed. =D So London, why there. Last Sunday till Tuesday was the annual Malaysian Career Fair. Ramai-ramai pigi cari kerja! I always ignored these fairs since its irrelevant, or I'm just ego. Kunun, "ala, nanti sinang jak carik kerja". Then bloody recession hit, baru mau panic! at the disco.

p/s Mumu, £1 = Rm 5 something. €1 = Rm4 something. Feels so dam rugi kalo mau send money back home. *cry cry*. Was Rm6.7 on my first year. So unfair!

So anyway, Career Fair, which by the way explains the glasses, the vest and the tie. I would have wear a suit, (SUIT UP!) but imagine 1000 potential rivals wearing the same attire. Wearing something different would leave a better deep impression to potential employers, don't you think. It's all about tactics matey! Though Shell & Petronas reject! Dengar jak "I'm on loan from Mara & JPA", REJECT! Ugh, which part of the "loan" which they don't understand. I'm not bonded, not being forced to work with MARA and JPA. Duh. So urang-urang yang self-sponsored jakla (or Petronas sponsored) yang ble kerja sama Petronas. Bloody stupid policy they have. Shell rejected me twice (europe & asia) *cry cry*. Mimang bajet teda harapan pun Shell tu. SLB, "Selamba Ja" (ahak! XD) my fave O&G company tarik diri last minute. I heard they cancelled 'cause they're too busy "sizing down". RAWRRRRR. So all my hope is placed on the single walk-in interview with Sapura-Crest. Went okay, could have done better and will know end of the month *crossing all fingers and toes!* My mates (most of them) who went to the SPA (Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam) got the job offer of around Rm 2.5k pcm and benefits. Macam nda worth it tu pigi blajar jauh-jauh, hutang kliling pinggang to be paid as much. Well, at least they have pension.

p/s Jags, will email you soon my qualifications. Offshores opportunities if possible! *wink*

So anyway, London. Decided to have fun while there. So went to the wax museum, Madame Tussauds. I've been there twice now and still loving it. Some pics but BEWARE, I've gained "some" weight. Tula, malas mo pigi gym lagi. Koto!

The Legen....dary Jimi Hendrix, my fucking idol, Mr Johnny Depp and urang sot yang sangat kuat tapi pkai spender di luar. I think I'll go visit again before going back home. Then I went up the London Eye, which was okay. Imagine it looks better at night, hmm. Then went to the bloody Aquarium, which was shit. Ingat ada dugong ka, do
lphin ka. Cisss. Buang duit!

Another thing that is popular among the Malaysian community is the Malaysian restaurants over here in England. Urang Mesia ni mimang kuat makan la, don't you think. So, over the period staying there, pigila join my friends. Kasih hilang rindu la kunun. First day was at Jom Makan! (Omg JM!, random lol). Situated a rock's throw from Trafalgar Square, not hard to miss. Ayam Percik! £7-8 per meal. Spent around £15. *cry* Tutup mata jakla. Lama nda makan percik percik manuk. Then went to Melur the day after. (originally Mawar, shut down cause of "rat" problem apparently).This new (to me) restaurant is all classy, with the prices all classy as well. Kambing Bakar (fancy name for Lamb Chop eh), Sate Anika, and Nasi Putih (I lol-ed while typing this). Spent around £15/16. Tu pun sebab dia salah kira. Dia terover bagi Sate, ahak! So spent around £30 for 2 meals. Hmmm, bole jadi telanjang ni by the time mo balik, abis duit. Went to my fave food shop in London, the Wasabi at Victoria station. Mmmm value for money £5 for Teriyaki Chicken with lots more rice and 3 pairs of sushi. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Screw you overpriced restaurant! *flickin the Vs*

P/s If I do come back home, ada urang mau kirim? Nothing too big and expensive! Bukan anak raja ni ging. Just let me know.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Type of Unit Trust

1.Equity Funds

An equity unit trust is the most common type of unit trust. The major portion of its assets are generally held in equities or securities of listed companies.

Equity unit trust funds are popular in Malaysia as they provide investors with exposure to the companies listed on Bursa Malaysia. The performance of the units is therefore linked to the performance of Bursa Malaysia. A rising market will normally give rise to an increase in the value of the unit and vice-versa.

There is a wide array of equity unit trusts, available in the market, ranging from funds with higher risk, higher returns to funds with lower risk, lower returns.

Aggressive growth funds
These funds invest generally in companies with higher capital growth potential but with associated higher risk

Index funds
These funds invest in a range of companies that closely match (or “track”) companies comprising a particular index.

International equity funds
These funds invest primarily in overseas share markets.

2.Fixed Income Funds

These funds invest mainly in Malaysian Government Securities, corporate bonds, and money market instruments such as bankers acceptance and fixed deposits. The objective of a fixed income (or bond) funds is usually to provide regular income, with less emphasis on producing capital growth for investors. It is possible, however, for fixed income funds to generate both capital gains and losses during a period of volatile interest rate.

3.Money Market Funds

Money market funds operate in a similar way to a bank account-the unit price is normally set at a fixed amount. Money market funds invest in low risk money market instruments that are in effect short-term deposits(loans) to banks and other-low risk-financial institutions, and in short-term government securities.

4.Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS)

REITs invest in real properties, usually prominent commercial (office) properties and provide the investor with an opportunity to participate in the property market in a way which is normally impossible to the small time investor. By acquiring units in a listed REITS, however, it is possible to invest a small amount to gain exposure to the property market and have diversification in your portfolio.

5.Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)

ETF is linked unit trust fund whose investment objective is to achieve the same return as a particular market index. ETF often have low expense ratios and can be bought and sold throughout the trading day through a stockbroker, on an exchange.

6.Balanced Funds

Some investors may wish to have an investment in all the major asset classes to reduce the risk of investing in a single asset class. A balanced unit trust fund generally has a portfolio comprising equities, fixed income securities, and cash.

7.Syariah Funds

The main objective of Syariah funds is to provide an alternative avenue for investors sensitive to Syariah requirements. Syariah funds will exclude those companies involved in activities, products or services related to conventional banking, insurance and financial services, gambling, alcoholic beverages and non-halal food products.

P/S: Nah,this is something that i learnt from book/ the way,u will see that fund number 1-4 frequently in our local banks or people approached u..Bah,sama2 kita belajar tg "tuhsin" kio!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Hello hello~ Annyonghaseyo (korean greeting to say hello) :)

Yaya is back! haha.
Sorry for the silent. busy betul this month. presentation, 2nd test, written assignment, final year project. Woah.. its really took my time away from writing here.

So.. what is our story today? I just read dr.Prim (official name from now :P) punya writing. Its really the good one since the economic now is unstable - its recession kan?. I didn't know what exactly happen to the global economy but as far as I am concern, SAVING is really something good to do. atleast for the emergency case kan... no need to lend from others. (owh ohhh.. economic speaking ni... )haha.

Before I start mumbling... want to take this opportunity to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our YS friend who born in March. Let me sing a song to you :-

"Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday...


If I'm not mistaken its Azmi, Dayang Asmah, Siti Saharaneh, Hannah and Ghadaffi's birthday. ini according to friendster punya birthday. Siapa2 yang punya birthday tidak disebutkan di sini. harap maaf ya.. coz I was referring to my friendster birthday list. kalo teda tu I assumed maybe u're not in my network or I missed the date. hehe. Anyway... to the birthday boy/girl; I wish you all the best in your life and happy always ^^,

Well... well... Anyone like korea here? I do! hehe. today I want to share about Korea to you - Korean Foods.yummy~ :P. I started to like korea after watching korean drama My Name is Kim Sam Soon (I think some of us watched it coz it was aired at 8TV last time). Its really funny somehow it give some meaning to my life. hehe. Actually, it become the starting point for me to discover Korean culture, food and customs plus language. So, the journey begin...

((This shop located at Ampang Point.Sesapa di kl boleh laa pegi))

Last friday I went to Ampang to eat korean food. hehe. Its really delicious. I bet you want to come again once you eat there -it was in the case of me. ngeee. for this year, last friday was the 3rd time I went there. dahsssyaat. I think this time was special and weird too. 1st time I went there the owner speak english to me. 2nd time I've been there, she mix it with korean. and this time she totally speak korean with me. woaaahhh. thank God I can understand. I can speak korean but only the simple one. this onni (mean sister) she speak formal korean to me and I relpy it with unformal korean. haha. Its weird and funny but I like it. :)


The food was marvellous. The Kimchi was fresh. and the price is reasonable too. Last time I went there I ate Yuek Gae Jang and this time I tried Sam Gae Tang plus mandoo - korean dumpling. haha. want to know more about this food? go to this page. Its really helpful and lots of info about korean food. Next time I plan to eat Jjang Myeon - korean black noodle. hehehe. I post you some photo k. Enjoyyyy~

(( Sam Gae Tang))

((Mandoo + Kimchi))

Owh.. before I forgot, there will be a mini gathering of X-Yayasan Sabah Student at YS house at Ampang on April 4, 2009. It organize by our super2 senior I think; the reason is - I didn't know any of them and the name also unfamiliar. haha. by the way... if you interested on join in the gathering u can do so. For more info... jump to here - XYS mini gathering. I give you some detail here if you malas to click there :P

Host : X-YS student Community

Date: April 4, 2009 (Saturday)

Time : 2:00 -6:00 pm

Location : Rumah Yayasan Sabah, Lorong Enau, Off Jln Ampang. KL

Person In Charge: Zatulhejanah. (0193348575) or mail:

I'm not confirm yet to attend this event. but if I have nothing to do, I'll go there. lama suda nda pegi rumah ys. I heard that auntie Zaidah is the head of Ampang house now. Last time I met her, she suda ok. nda suda garang macam dulu. Auntie Norainie also there. Uncle Hamzah sudah pencen and uncle Roslan pun still there. hehe. bah.. sesiapa yg around KL boleh laa datang kali.

(( Mt.Kinabalu))

Apa lagi.. yaaa.. Rindu betul mo pulang Sabah. tungggu! On May I'll return to KK for good. So geng, kalo mo buat reunion di KK jum. coz I'll be there soon. hehe. Ini hint untuk si Atie. Program Manager for the reunion. haha. ok. set aaaa.

Okay, go to go now. Sehingga kita bertemu lagi... hehe. Wish me luck I have final exam this coming April. :)

P/s : Bon Voyage cik Sarani kita to Mesir. asal laa ko balik sini awal sangat? nda dpt jumpa pon :(

Till then, yaya sign off.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Save Yourself !!!

Jangan Malu Bertanya !!! Is it wrong to ask? Have a time to buy&read about financial/investment books?

Bingung?dont be, coz this is my self-reminder about how this life is going,by remind myself,sia always wanna learn sometg which i duno,but play a great role in my life - MONEY!!

Before i started go Uni, a friend of mine told me that a good way for investment, is using your 1st salary to buy a house!!not a car,which lots of us do it now (including myself!) why?coz,the earlier u buy house,then u have long time to pay that house loan sebab masih muda bah, compared to car since u might change it someday!! but once u have that house,never stop to invest,coz that house is not profitable if u stay inside..faham?bayangkan like this,u buy a big house, isi with lots of stuff, using loan banks, then someday ur house terbakar!! habis semua barang and ur investment dalamnya,kena bayar loan lagi,so? hutang keliling pinggang bah...

Two days ago,sia start balik beli magazine Men's Health, April 2009 issue..was blessed coz see this article from Peter Lim..what he said really make sense..BTW,sia pun ada put link blog dia di sebelah atas kanan..p tinguk and learn sometg yah..anyway,sia pun akan write apa yang dia cakap dari article dia:

1. Never buy house that is more than 2.5 times from ur household total income !! Contohnya,if gaji setahun suami RM 50000,and isteri RM40000, jgn bli rumah yang lebih dari RM225000..
-apa jadi if beli juga? u end-up with no saving but spent ur money just to pay the loan..

2. 20% from your net-income is the target amount to save monthly !!
- memang susah if kita bercakap tg menyimpan,ada ja yng mau dibeli,but make it as habit..u can start from 10% dulu,kemudian suit urself naik ke 20%..believe me,this is like exercising ur mind of long term investment..ingat,jgn menyimpan with what's left after spending but berbelanjala apa yg tgl after meyimpan!!

Ada lg yang dia cakap,but ini yang sia rasa most important aat the moment for us..Then, sia juga mau shared my knowledge yang sia dapat selama ini..macam sia cakap tadi,investment!! whatthe hell is that? well,banyak bah now investment or real estate or unit trust from banks..Sia plan mau join Public Mutual unit trust from Public Bank,so far among the best malaysia..but duno whether it is volatile..but that is a risk to take! but dun worry,u still can take unit trust from Maybank,coz it is secured by goverment's whatever happen inthe market, it's always profit come to you..

kamu fahamka? macam ini,bayangkan dimana profit kamu dapat from menyimpan after 10-20 years? so,if kamu meyimpan,kamu pun mau extra duit,itula part of unit trust!! they use ur simpanan to invest,and after certain time (kamu pilih 5,10 or 15thn),bulan2 bayar, dapatla hasil dia..kira macam Amanah Saham Bumiputra!!

Why i bring this matter? coz sia mau highlight pada JM,Jags..where do you put your money from oversea? spending spree? For the God's sake, have an investment esp unit trust,coz u wont be there till u retired,kan? both of ur currency, Euro and Pounds have a strong value if change to RM,jadi i rely dun want u all waste that value..sia banyak jumpa pesakit yang muda2 kerja di Oversea,gaji tinggi but dun have plan for future..once plg sini sudah,berusia,sakit and cant do operation coz cant afford the fee...As what i said,we learn from somebody's experienced,kan?

Jags,that is very good when u have sometg to tell/advice regarding ur engineering field..glad i have so many friends in engine/IT/teaching field..hopefully, a friend of mine from accountancy will give us advice here too..Anybody??

Now press repeat

Omg QUEEN! nice ain't it? Bohemian is a weird great song,it just randomly changes melody, but still sounds so awesome.

Today, at work, I cannot but be baffled about this one little thing.

Tada! Dun dun dun...

On the left, we have a normal 15inch laptop.
On the right, we have a 10inch netbook (that is mine by the way ;p)
And in the middle, some say it's one of the first laptop ever made by mankind...

A freakin' 20inch laptop! Woohoo.

This can hardly be called a laptop, you need to have a quite wide lap, its a wide-laptop!
It's really big, even the carry case is like a large camping bag. The box is bigger than me!
Duuuude, I will never buy one of these. Ever.

Should I Write a Title?

Hi everyone,
Happy again to read Mr. Prim Updates, Until i forgot to ask what so important on 19th March.
My guess is you're engaged?? Congratz. Hehehe, Correct me if i'm wrong.

Right now, 6:44pm GMT+1 20th March, i must admit i'm too close to lose my sense of control towards my anger. My rages are now exploding inside.. I'm thinking of killing someone maybe?
By God, i don't even have the heart to kill a cat on board this barge... despite of the so called military cadets training while i was in school.. (Kunun Ganas Habis) Hahaha..
I'm thinking also to write some insults in this blog just to pour my rage out... But my sense of respect to your guys deny it all.

This is the toughest short project i've endured in my whole life. Here, this 2 weeks trip, i think i've learned loads of experiences equivalent to 2 years of experiences.
Its too complicated to write it all here... Just enough for you guys to know that i had a big problems regarding my jobs and responsibilities.. Which i've failed to solve accordingly.
Either way it was settled... And i got smacked and critics from all over the edges.
It's over and I manage to stand on my feet now...

And NOW, I'm on navigation to Palermo, Italy... Still cruising on 6 to 8 knot speed. Some people said it will takes about 5-6 days depending on the weather. Right now, weather is promising, happy to have a steady ride. Leaving Alicante, Spain at about 7pm GMT+1 Yesterday...
Fuhh... Spent 3 days shopping in Alicante makes me broke! Hahaha..
Its quite expensive here maybe because its a touristic place. Spent 160 Euros on 4 persons dinner on chinese food was quite a bloodsucker, isnt't it? Usually in Almeria, Spain before i spent maximum at 40 Euros at about the same types of food.
Bought also several Guess handbags for my moms and aunts, for about 600 Euros.
I'm not quite a shopping guy, but i don't know what happen in Alicante.. Maybe like a hormone things happening to me? Hahaha.. Dr. Prim?? Anyway its like just relieving my stress a bit.
Stress are making me older than my real age, isn't it?

Err.. i think i'm okay now...
Manage to reduce half of my anger i think.. Thank God! Hahaha.. Love Kadubasville so much!!!
Thanks for reading!!
All the best to All...

P:S Anyone in need of engineering jobs, feel free to contact me. Sometimes i have lots of offer and i don't have anyone to recommend it to.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Been So Long...

Hi Everyone,

been so long didnt write anytg here!! Well,so many stuffs happen, and most importantly today ( March 19th ) is the big important day for me..Thanks God, everytg goes well...

Well, Iphone 3G already enter Malaysian market via Maxis, so have that oppurtunity to get it if u are 'infoTech' dude..well,im using iphone 2G ( first generation ) and it really worth to have it, coz the function and applications are all cool..unless u don have credit card coz need to get the applications from itunes..

Then, our Prime Minister is going to step down despite our global economic crisis, and problems in UMNO as well ( really hope someday i can study political course ), and people hatred and dislike about Deputy PM to become PM is growing up..hell yah,for me i want PM who is clear from any scandals or corruptions..but,this is how the political world works!

So far,i also recently watched movie "Taken" by Liam Neelson ( acted as bad fellow/teacher in Batman Begins )..i enjoyed that movie,full of father's love and how far u will go for ur children sake..really love it,and u can grab it at RapidRaja,the link that got in our blog here..

Now, i also into the QUEEN's music..hope u all recognized them, a rock band music from British, popular during 70's till now..kinda seangkatan with Deep Purple and Scorpions all that..i really enjoy their songs like 'Bohemian Raphsody", "I was born to love you", "Love of my life"...its so beautiful/full of meaning songs..i really cant imagined how people during 80's can made that great song!!!

Until then, really glad that our hits going to reach 1K, even though we cant beat like mahathir where he reached 1 million hits within 1 week..but thanks for everybody who read here, esp to Jags, Joy and Yaya..

Monday, March 2, 2009

Jagung is now Temperamento Española

Hi or Hola Everyone..

Its already over 1 week i'm Offshore..
And I didn't do ANYTHING at all.. No work or whatsoever.. Absolutely free time.
The worst part is, i have to standby in my office.. The superitendent said i must! Just in case Somebody need my service.
All i do is freakin' chatting and pusing2 sana sini..
Easy Money it is... But if you in my place, you sure think like i am now.
I call my parents every single day while i'm offshore... Maybe for at least 30 Mins.
But what should i do for another 11hrs and 30 mins of my working hours?
Actually... we are waiting for the divers to finish their job.. installing buoys to the underwater pipeline.. But surely they're freakin' laziest Bastard.. They're charging my company per hour rates.. so, of course, too much excuse for them, i mean delaying their work so they can charge more.

Tomorrow predicted bad weather here in the gulf around Mallorca. Maybe the wind will blow at about 30-40 knot.
And also this rough sea predicted for at least until next Sunday...
Adding 1 more week of my "vacation". Despite it will be very difficult to sleep...
as this barge will be rocking like a "cradle".
SeaSick is now out of story.. i guess i'm used to it.
Afraid? Hmm.. I guess rough sea really makes a man a "man", So to speak.

Another thing bothers me a lot on this barge is.. the FOOD.
Apart from several barge i've been in my life.. here i found the worst food.
I don't know what to say.. Usually i fish and cook for myself..
But the current Superitendent didn't allow this... So this Barge is NO FISHING and NO COOKING.. yeah.. i'm angry with him.. But of course i can't do nothing about it.
I'm expecting 3-5 Kg's of my weight will be reduced when i go home later.
huh.. i already miss kampong food. (tapun-tapun) :)
I guess its just like RPK said:
"We can take a man out of a Kampong, But we can't take a Kampong out of a man".
Hahaha... :))

I guess i wrote too much already...
My Best Wishes to All my X-YS Friends.
Until Next time.. Bye.

Warmest regards,

Somewhere around La Palma de Mallorca

Thanks Dr. Prim for your tips about my wisdom tooth. Although i can't understand any of it hahaha... It's nice to have a doctor as a friend by the way. Salute you my friend.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Now press repeat

I've been busy. Well not really. Skipped work today, cause I just feel like it. I WILL definitely get a warning letter tomorrow and get some bollocking from my manager. Pfff, am I bovvered? I don't really care since I'll be leaving sooner or later.

Anyway, seeing I got plenty of time today, I'll just be typing crap. About music, well more like music that I like. I listen to alternative rock, usually mainstream or from mySpace. Bands I like varies from the poppy Ting Tings to the hardcore Slipknot (which by the way, their new album rocks!), Ash, Blur, Muse, Incubus, Arctic Monkeys, Foo Fighters, The Killers, etc etc etc. Anyway, those who like these type of musics, read on. Else, just stop before I freakin waste your time. Thank you.

I'm just going to review some of the bands I've been listening and liking so far. Treat it as recomendation if you may.

Red Light Company - With Lights Out
I predict this band would be big somehow. I really love the album. It's really mellow and uplifting at times. "Hope" is the word that keep coming to my thought every time I listen to the album. (With Lights Out, Scheme Eugene, Art & Crafts)

The Rakes - Ten New Messages
My work mate's bestmate's band (if that makes sense). This is an old album from 2007, deliciously addictive. (Suspicious Eye, The World is a Mess but His Hair Was Perfect). New album coming out March, judging from the new single 1989 looks like it's going to be a good album as well.

Mystery Jets - 21
I love this album, don't exactly know why but I feckin love it. I think it has some really retro feel to some of the songs on it. (Young Love, Half in Love with Elizabeth, Flakes)

Cage The Elephant - Cage The Elephant
Good powerful band kinda reminded me of Arctic Monkeys. (Ain't No Rest For The Wicked, In One Ear, Back Against The Wall). Good songs and good band name (cage my elephant condoms?)

There are some more albums that I'm liking but mostly I imagine would be on the radio 24/7 anyway, Kings of Leon, Fallout Boy, Slipknot(on radio? huh?), The Killers, some more that I can't remember.

You love it, you hate it, you maybe even despise it. Doesn't matter, we all have different tastes anyway.

Friday, February 20, 2009

:: Very Long Time ::


Sorry ya geng for the silence... :)

I'm kinda busy this period due to exams and assignment. well.. u know.. student life is always like this. Lepas bulan April ni nda da sudah gini. Ameen.

So, apa cerita kita hari ni ya? Macam tiada cerita hot but today I went to shop for the new perfume. hehe. Where? at The Body Shop Maju Junction. Pas tu naik bus pg Kota Raya. Those who've been to KL must know this place. Ala.. yg berdepan dengan Petaling Street tu. :)

It was the 2nd time suda pigi ni kali. Apa dulu attraction sana tu? haha. That place is the Heaven for the those who like Japanese and Korean Movies, Dramas,Musics, Anime and etc. Wah.. Its really like heaven on earth. betul2 punya. Maybe nasib memang baik kali ini kali.. time pigi sana ja mesti ada sale. Sies. Sell yg harga runtuh ni. Korean Drama yg DVD Rm15, Korean OST Rm10/3dvd. Other than that, kalo mau cari software pun ada sana. Its located on level 3. Barang2 PS pun ada. Adoiii.. teringin betul mo main guitar hero kolo teringat game2 ni. hehe.

Apa lagi ya.. OOO.. bisuk sabtu pulak kan.. Bah. Have A nice Weekend then. Kalo di rumah ni.. mesti siuk. pasal bisuk tamu di Kinarut. Rindunya mo pulang. homesick~ homesick~ :P
My plan 2moro, mo pg makan makanan Korea@Seoul Garden. Lama suda nda makan Bulgogi ni. sedapnyaa.. hehe.

Speaking of Movies.. lama jugak nda pg menonton wayang ni.. tapi tadi tinguk2 sana d tgv punya website nda da cerita best pun. Benjamin Button pun baru saja released. tapi I did watched that one. not bad la. here is the snapshot of bradpit yg I sempat snap and edited it. Hensem ooo dia dalam movie ni :P

...Ini time dia pegi belayar pakai kapal layar bapa dia...

... Ini time dia mandi laut... alahaiiii~ cair~~...

Bah, kepada mandak2 yg belum tinguk cerita ni.. pg laa kamurang tinguk.. bikin cair orang ni Brad Pit ni.. ish..ish..ish...

Okay laa.. up to here dulu ya.. by the way, kali ni I menulis pakai bahasa campur. Sorry ya :) nanti laa I write again with the appropriate language. :)

Till me write again,

Yaya sign off.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Now Gurls.. arent you afraid of pregnancy?


Hi everyone, Saja ja mo post benda yg bukan2.. hehehe, Just something to talk about kan?
Actually i don't know if i can handle SIX kids at once.
Kebetulan pula, ada kucing (anonymous) beranak in my room tu pun lima ja anak dia.
Yg orang ni, lagi byk dari kucing tu la kiranya.. Hahaha
How about y'all, U like to have Sixplets or not?
For me maybe half of this is enough. . :) tp kalau dapat mcm ni.. syukur ja bah. bukan aku yg beranak.. Hahahaha, Just kiddin'.

Have fun all of you.
Till then,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Women As Explained by Engineers.







Gosh.. I hope our ex-YS ladies have a good sense of humor..
Anyway i think for guys this is HILARIOUS.. Hehehe..

Till then, Best Wishes for all.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Now press repeat.

Now if Nuel or Ell is seeing this, they would be like"Ceh, tu ja ka pun sakai suda?" Well yeaa, to me (and majority of the Brits ironically), this year has been splendid so far, in terms of weather. Cause it has been snowing not once but twice in a month. (Last time it snowed heavily was early 2007). Apparently Britain has never been this cold since 1993/94. Those watching Liv v Che last Sunday (which Terrific Torres scored a brace =p) might notice that it was snowing. It was properly hammering right after the game. I love snow, its soft, and white and everything nice. Stopped snowing last night even though temperature dropped even more, the melted snow became ice.
I fell this morning, and kinda twisted my knee a bit. I wish they would grit them parking lots and small roads. I was literally sliding on ice with my dodgy flat sole Puma sneaks.

Haven't post for a while since I got back to work. Ew work. Don't you wish you can stay at home and get paid as well? Anyways, Heroes was back on last night. So as the other series. I watch a lot of series to be honest, from notoriously brilliant Scofield to the sarcastic genius House, the ever cool Horatio and geeky Grissom, to the awesomeness of Barney Stinson (It's gonna be legen...wait for it), yes I do watch a lot of series to be honest, dary. Time to take a break from JDoramas. <-- guilty pleasure, lol.

Last post I read was Jagz's first post, and today was like BAM. 3-4 new posts. Jagz's post should be interesting, although walls and walls of letters making up words and paragraphs just smacks me back down everytime I tried to overcome them. I think I just read up till the first 3-4 words before i succumbed to such properly written article. (History isn't my favourite subject, lol).

It is February, Happy birthdays. Jenn's bday is the most easiest to remember, lucky her. Just send her a love shaped cake with candles, is like hitting two birds with one stone. St. Valentine's day is coming, did you know it is the second largest card-sending holiday behind Christmas according to some research body. (Why do they research that sort of thing anyway, -__-)

Interesting thing I heard on the radio the other day, about a 22 yo woman who is auctioning off her virginity and is now up to 3.7mill USD, so I heard, and a deal with a book company waiting.

How many of you know your roots? CONT.

This is the place once stood a giant Nunuk Ragang, now replaced with a faux giant concrete tree for remembrance

Pada masa Aki Rungsud dan Aki Lzongguvai memulakan pengembaraan ke tavara (utara) menurut kopizo Lzumaag. Tidak di pastikan kenapa Aki Rungsud memilih menuju ke tavara ada beberapa kemungkinan iaitu nenek moyang mereka pernah melalui kawasan itu. 

Apabila sampai masa perjalanan isteri Aki Lzongguvai bersalin utk anak pertama... jadi hanya Aki Rungsud dengan pengkut2nya saja yg jalan terdahulu. Mereka membawa ayam yg banyak utk digunakan bagi membuat korban di setiap puncak bukit yang mereka singgah..bagi tujuan mengundang lzumaag menguasai perjalanan mereka. tanda utk aki lzongguvai menyusuri rungsud ialah sangkar ayam yg akan di gantungkan di atas kayu tinggi.. dan itulah tandanya laluan perjalanan aki rungsud.

Setelah sekian lama maka sampailah juga aki rungsud di kawasan bandau... kawasan bandau di berikan nama bandau yg bermakna (MONDOU). nama ini di berikan kerana apabila aki rungsud meninjau hutan tebal di kawasan tersebut mulai dari kawasan dataran sehingga ke bukit2.. kononnya aki rungsud terjumpa sejenis haiwan yang mempunyai api di mulut (duvarung/gugumorung).. haiwan tersebut menyerang aki rungsud.. pertarungan berlaku dan gugumorung tersebut tidak mengalah sampai mendekat hari subuh.. akhirnya melalui pertolongan kinoringan lzumaag seekor haiwan yg di panggil MONDOU di utus oleh Lzumaag utk menghalau gugumorung tersebut... Menurut kepercayaan agama lzabus, MONDOU adalah RAJA SEGALA HAIWAN DI HUTAN.. apabila MONDOU berbunyi maka duvarung tersebut melarikan diri... maka kawasan itu di namakan oleh Aki Rungsud sebagai MONDOU yang akhrnya di kenali sebagai BANDAU. BANDAU ini pula bertukar kepada KONOPUAN MOGKORUDU apabila berlaku perselisihan antara Rungus Pilzapazan dan Rungus Bandau + Tombonuvo. dalam perselisihan itu maka berlakulah perang secara angkasa diantara RUNGUS BANDAU bersama Tombonuvo berlawan ilmu hitam dengan orang Rungus Matunggong dan Kudat. Dalam persaingan kekuatan ilmu sihir itu maka akhirnya apabila keadaan tidak terkawal lagi maka mereka meminta agar ketua Bobolzizan yang bertugas menjalankan uapcara Managas (upacara mengorbankan manusia sebagai persembahan korban) utk menghentikan perselisihan tersebut secara adat. Maka orang-orang rungus matunggong akur ttg gesaan tersebut namun serangan Sindaat terus di lancarkan oleh orang rungus bandau dan tombonuvo.

Di sebabkan kemungkaran itu maka akhirnya Aki Sook (ketua bobolizan rinovusan yg bertanggungjawab dalam upacara managas) memutarkan kegunaan SUKANG PAMASI POMOGUNAN dengan menerbalikkan peranan sebagai SINDAAT. Melalui upacara MONGIZAU SINDAAT itu maka Aki Sook membuat satu sindaat baru yg di namakannya sebagai SINDAAT MOGKORUDU. Dalam sumpahan ini sesiapa saja yg menangisi mangsa sindaat di bandau akan mati serta merta termasuk tanaman dan haiwan ternak akan mati sekali. Maka bermulalah kuasa sindaat tersebut sehingga akhirnya konopuan bandau di kosongkan kerana ada saja yg menangis akan terkena sindaat tersebut. Rungus BANDAU dan TOMBONUVO pergi naik ke kawasan TUPAK (Bengkoka dan sehingga ke Paitan/Beluran). Ini kerana di kawasan tersebut melintasi zon sumpahan Aki Sook. Maka akhirnya bandau di panggil KONOPUAN MOGKORUDU yang mana pada hari ini kita kenalinya sebagai KOTA MARUDU. BANDAU kosong selama beberapa lamanya sehinggalah Sahrif Osman membuka kawasan tersebut..


Kembali kepada cerita Aki Lzongguvai.. apabila keadaannya mengizinkan.. maka akhirnya mereka menyusuri perjalanan aki rungsud. Tetapi tanda sangkar ayam tersebut sudah di pindahkan orang (menurut cerita orang yg memindahkannya adalah orang yang kurang siuman).

Jadi akhirnya aki lzongguvai tersesat ke tempat lain di kawasan penampang. Aki rungsud melalui maklumat bobilzizan mengetahui perkara ini dan beberapa orang di kerahkan utk menjejaki aki lzongguvai. Mereka menemui aki lzongguvai di satu kawasan pada musim kokotuai. Mereka mengajak aki lzongguvai utk pergi ke pompod tana tavara tetapi aki lzongguvai bertukar fikiran. Dia hendak membuat petempatannya di kawasan tersebut (pada hari ini tempat itu adalah kawasan penampang). Sungguhpun aki lozongguvai tidak ikut ke tavara tetapi dalam adat agama lzabus perbuatan itu harus di bayar korbannya kerana kawasan aki lozongguvai sudah di sediakan di pompod tanah dan harsu diisi oleh keturunannya. Melalui upacara korban memutuskan bahawa aki lozngguvai itu maka dia harus menyerahkan anak sulungnya yang lahir di Nunuk Ragang sebagai gantinya. Maka anak pertama mereka yang lahir sebelum perjalanan keluar dari nunuk ragang harus pergi ke pompod tana (kudat) sebagai mengisi perjanjian antara lzumaag.

Anak sulung aki lzongguvai dinamai sebagai Bulzun (BULUN. Aki Bulzun datang ke kudat pada sekitar umur 17 tahun bersama dengan 5 ekor anjing kebal. Aki Bulzun menurut cerita seorang yang berambut panjang. Dia datang ke bandau untuk menunaikan adat bangsa momogun. Maka aki bulzun di sambut oleh pak ciknya aki rungsud. Aki Rungsud membuat satu upacara pembahagian kawasan yang diadakan di KIRANGAVAN Kota marudu. Di kawasan tersebut diadakan satu upacara PALUAN GONG untuk pentahbisan seluruh kawasan tavara sebagai kawasan Momogun seperti mana perintah Kinoringan Lzumaag. Upacara itu di akhri dengan pembahagian kawasan. Cara pembahagian kawasan itu di lakukan dengan memalu gong KUMANIS milik RUNGSUD. Gong tersebut akan di palu selama 7 hari dan 7 malam dan seluruh mana-mana kawasan yang bunyi gong tersebut masih kedengaran adalah merupakan tanah milik aki rungsud.

Akhirnya sempadan di tentukan dengan memacakkan sejenis LEMBING yang di panggil BINORUDAN (lembing pahlawan yang bersaiz lebar pengayuh perahu). Sempadan itu sehingga hari ini di kenali sebagai BURUL BORUD yg terletak di kg Tambuluran Kudat.

maka aki BULZUN berkawin dengan sumuni (gadis sunti) bernama SINONDIHON. Aki Bulzun adalah anak aki lzongguvai. Aki lzongguvai adalah adik aki rungsud.

Keturunan aki Bulzun pada hari ini ialah di kenali sebagai Rungus Gonsomon.


Sebenarnya Aki Rungsud adalah anak sulung, Aki Lzongguvai adalah anak lelaki kedua dan Aki Turompok (Monumpok) adalah adik lelaki ketiga.

Aki Turumpok pada hari ini adalah merupakan RURUNGAN suku Dusun Tambunan, Ranau,
Kota belud dan sebagainya. Turumpok tidak di bernarkan meninggalkan kawasan Nunuk Ragang kerana menurut adat dia adalah TANDON TONGKOB. Adat ini masih lagi digunakan oleh suku momogun rungus sehingga pada hari ini. TANDON TONGKOB bermakna (anak yang harus mewarisi kawasan ibubapanya atau mewarisi rumah bapanya.)

Adat ini masih subur dalam suku momogun rungus. manakala bagi orang rungus yang sudah meninggalkan kawasan Nunuk Ragang maka mereka tetap akan KEMBALI DI GUNUNG KINABALU selepas meninggal dunia. Menurut kepercayaan mereka apabila mereka meninggal maka HATOD orang rungus akan bangkit dan akan di pimpin oleh burung TAMBAZANGAN atau KONIU utk menuju ke Gunung Kinabalu. Inilah pengorbanan dan kepercayaan mereka. Untuk menganuti agama lzabus maka mereka harus keluar dari Nunuk Ragang utk menjaga kawasan pesisir pantai dan setiap bukit2 harus diadakan korban bagi MONGOLZIGOU semangat lzumaag agar tetap menjaga momogun.

Agama Lzabus menjadi penuntun hidup mereka selama ribuan tahun di pesisir pantai bagi menjaga daratan kerana itulah wasiat nenek moyang mereka iaitu perlindungan lzumaag mengalir dari atas bukit melalui korban dan dibawa ombak sampai ke seberang lautan.


Cerita ini masih banyak lagi namun agak sukar menceritakannya..disini. Apapun hakikatnya ialah KITA SEMUA SATU BANGSA menurut LEGENDA YANG TETAP DI WASIATKAN INI OLEH AHLI-AHLI AGAMA LZABUS orang Momogun Rungus.

"Avasi nopo kopizo.. avasi no vaza poimpasi"

Monday, February 2, 2009

How many of you know your roots?

Hi all, found this article on my disk. I don't know who's the original author. But i think this story is interesting. Afterall, i'm half rungus and half dusun, but i don't know this story at all. Mainly because i grew up mostly outside Sabah, spent more than half of my life abroad tanahairku.

Warmest regards,



Asal-Usul semua Kadazan-Dusun adalah sama. Cuma masalah kita dari awal ialah tidak mempertahan kan nama bangsa sendiri. Mereka ambil nama bangsa mereka seperti apa saja orang luar panggil terhadap mereka. DUSUN ini adalah panggilan orang laut sepoerti dari brunei dan sebagainya mereka memanggilnya sebagai Dusun kerana mereka tinggal di pedalaman.

Percubaan orang laut untuk memanggil orang Rungus sebagai Dusun ini juga berlaku ini kerana Rungus dan Tombonuvo adalah satu-satunya penduduk pesisir pantai sejak dahulu kala. Mereka juga pernah di panggil sebagai Dusun sejak dahulu tetapi panggilan ini di tentang habis oleh nenek moyang kami kerana ia bukan nama bangsa kami. Nama bangsa yang kami pakai sejak dahulu lagi ialah PASOK MOMOGUN (Peribumi Momogun). Momogun menurut tradisi orang rungus adalah nama bagi bangsa yang berasal dari Nunuk Ragang. Nama bangsa itu merujuk kepada Perjanjian yang di lakukan oleh Aki Gomburon (pencipta adat momogun pertama di Nunuk Ragang). Hukum Gomburon kemudian di perbaharui oleh Aki Guramanuk dan upacara itu di namakan Agama Lzabus.

Momogun ini merujuk kepada bangsa yang menghormati Lzumaag iaitu semangat gunung kinabalu. Hanya Momogun sahaja di kenal oleh Lzumaag melalui upacara yg di lakukan oleh Bobohizan. Bobolizan berasal dari perkataan "Bolzi". Bolzi adalah panggilan kepada "haiwan korban". Bolzi bermakna "BELI". Ini bermakna Bobolizan bertugas untuk "membeli semangat baru kepada lzumaag atas dosa-dosa yang di lakukan oleh orang Momogun dengan menggunakan korban iaitu haiwan ternak".

Bobolizan bertugas untuk melupuskan segala kesalahan bangsa momogun melalui korban. Jadi selama dulu nama bangsa kita ialah Momogun. Tiada kadazan dan tiada Dusun. Hanya Momogun yang ada. Dusun dan Kadazan ini adalah baru-baru wujud apabila era kemerdekaan oleh Tun Fuad. Ini kerana pada masa itu orang-orang kita tak tahu apa-apa ttg identiti mereka. Jadi apa saja orang panggil sama kita maka kita akui nama bangsa kita.

Yang pastinya kita adalah sama asalnya cuma masing2 jaga nama suku sendiri. Kalau di Rungus nama Momogun RUngus ini tak dapat di hilangkan kerana Momogun adalah nama bangsa dan Rungus adalah nama nenek moyang kami iaitu RUNGSUD yg akhirnya di sebut RUNGUS


yang pastinya walaupun kita baca buku-buku tulisan orang putih ttg bangsa sendiri lagilah tak masuk akal.. belum ada tulisan yang tepat malah tiada fakta yg paling tepat ttg identiti bangsa kita... apa yg pasti semua suku kadazandusun ada mitosnya dan dongengnya sendiri.. maka pendapat saya jagailah mitos suku sendiri... dan cuba-cubalah ketahui usul suku sendiri.. jangan suatu hari nanti nanti tanyakan asal-usul kita dengan orang putih pula... orang putih lagilah tak tau asal-usul kita..

Sebagai contoh Rungus Gonsomon cucu-cicit Aki Bulzun iaitu adalah anak Aki Lzongguvai. Aki Lzongguvai adalah nenek moyang momogun dari suku yg kini di kenali sebagai Kadazan pada hari ini.

Orang Dusun adalah menurut silsilah yang di pegang oleh orang Rungus adalah keturunan adik bongsu mereka iaitu Aki Torumpok. Keturunan aki Torumpok akhirnya mengosongkan nunuk ragang apabila di serang pelbagai penyakit. Sebahagian kecil keturunan Aki Torumpok ini menjejaki orang Rungus di kawasan Bandau dan mereka di kenali atau di panggil oleh kalangan Rungus sebagai Momogun Kimaragang. Momogun Kimaragang ini adalah rombongan dari nunuk ragang yg datang kemudian ke kawasan bandau pada masa nunuk ragang di serang penyakit wabak.

Hasilnya tetap sama.. kita adalah satu pada suatu ketika dahulu.


KADAZAN, DUSUN atau KADUS semua ini memang bukan nama bangsa yang ASLI. Kita semua tahu bahawa NAMA ASLI bangsa kita ialah MOMOGUN.
Samalah dengan Iban.. orang belanda memanggil mereka DAYAK... Orang Iban tidak setuju dengan panggilan tersebut dan sanggup menggadai nyawa untuk membantah panggilan Dayak terhadap Iban atau Bidayuh.. tetapi di sebabkan faktor politik maka akhirnya panggilan Dayak itu di terima juga pada pasca merdeka sehingga hari ini.. namun Iban tidaklah menghapuskan sama sekali nama bangsanya sebagai Iban tetapi mereka menggunakan kedua-duanya.

Di sabah pun berlaku seperti ini. Orang Kudat dahulunya di panggil orang Brunei sebagai DUSUN kerana tinggal di kawasan pedalaman tetapi di sebabkan nenek moyang menghapuskan sesiapa saja yang memanggil nama bangsa dengan panggilan yang tidak betul itu maka akhirnya Brunei atau pihak British harus mengiktiraf panggilan Momogun Rungus kepada orang Kudat.

Pada hari ini kita boleh gunakan mana-mana saja yang kamu suka pakai... mana-mana sebutan yg kamu suka pakailah saja...

kalau kami di kudat kami pakai dalam penulisan beberapa nama sebutan yang tetap merujuk kepada suku kami.. walaupun nama ini SINONIM dengan GANAS atau KASAR tetapi haruslah di akui bahawa itulah hakikatnya.. seperti di bawah ini:

Fiche Signalétique
Langue : Rungus
code ethnologist (SIL)* : DRG
ISO code 639-2 (B) : map
other names of the language* : Dusun Dayak, Melobong Rungus, Memagun, Memogun, Momogun, Roongas, Rungus Dusun
statute* : Living language
dialects* : Gonsomon, Nulu, Rungus
official language in the following countries* :
country where the language is spoken* : Malaisie
linguistic group :
linguistic family :
written form :
* These data are extracted from the Ethnologue SIL International base.
A number of speakers and other information (a link to Ethnologue)


Dusun ini adalah panggilan orang Brunei kepada penduduk tempatan di borneo utara.

Kami orang Kudat tinggal di pesisir pantai dan bagi kwasan pantai barat Kudat /marudu yang pertama di buka ialah di toringai, koniung, Tuhau, Morimbou, andarason, Torungkungan, Kimihang,kgMuhang, bangau, suangpai, sehinggalah ke Tomborungus di bandar kudat sekarang. nama-nama ini adalah bandar-bandar dulu yg di buka orang Momogun Rungus di sekililing Kudat.
Manakala di teluk bandau juga di buka di tepi-tepi laut bersama-sama dengan orang Tombonuvo. Kawasan yang di buka ini adalah di sebut BADI (kalau dahulu badi itu bermakna BANDAR) manakala Tomu adalah PEKAN tempat yang lebih kecil dari BADI.

Kehidupan mereka adalah seperti itu... cuma di sebabkan PENDIRIAN yang berbeza maka di KUDAT semua orang Sulu dan Brunei tak boleh memanggil Suku Momogun Rungus sebagai DUSUN (membawa makna penduduk pedalaman) dan orang Momogun Rungus tidak mahu di panggil sebagai KADAZAN (tinggal di kedai-kedai) walaupun pada masa pembukaan Kudat sebagai Daerah Pentadbiran Utama British.. malah bagi mereka yg tinggal di Kudat pada masa itu mereka hanya menerima panggilan Momogun Rungus atau jika orang itu tinggal di pekan Kudat pada masa itu mereka bolehlah di panggil sebagai ORANG TOMBORUNGUS (tinggal di pekan kudat tetap tidak di panggil Kadazan).

Menurut saya ini kerana di sebabkan PENDIRIAN dan bukan apa-apa pun. Itu sebab kita bebas menggunakan apa-apa nama bangsa yang kita mahu..

Malah dahulu ada juga kumpulan rungus yang di panggil sebagai MELOBONG RUNGUS kerana kalau mereka di panggil dengan DUSUN atau apa-apa panggilan yg keluar dari Momogun Rungus maka orang orang itu akan diajak bertarung siapa yang mati akan di KUBURKAN. Maka itulah sebabnya di panggil Rungus Melobong...


Kenapa Tombonuvo, Kimaragang dan Rungus sampai sekarang di kenali sebagai Momogun? Ini kerana itulah nama bangsa kita yang diajarkan oleh nenek moyang. Malah dalam upacara MOMURINAIT kadazandusun ini tak di kenal oleh SUNDUVAN KINORINGAN LZUMAAG. BOBOLZIZAN hanya mengenal perkataan MOMOGUN, RUNGUS, KIMARAGANG, TOMBONUVO dan sebagainya yg merujuk kepada suku mereka..


Boros nopo di tongo-aki mantad kodwori (purbakala), "tungkusai noh it kopizo molzohing... tu avasi nopo gampamasi.. avasi noh ot sondot koposizan" ka..