Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2 thousand 9

Wooo, a new year's coming!. I really hope you guys will enjoy celebration tonight, fireworks, bbq, mandi laut, siram air, mandi bunga. (what's with the water and new year anyway? buang suwey?) I.will.not be enjoying new year, as always =p. It's really damn cold, tonight its -1C and still dropping (though Nuel and El will have it even worse, -15C this Friday? ahk! brr..). One reason holding me back would be the fact, (observe pic^) I have really itchy, swollen, red mosquito-like bites, burning sensation feeling on me fingers and fingertoes. Sampai nda buli tidur, gatal cam kana ciken pox ja. Went to the hospital, and been told it was an allergy reaction. Mhm, not surprising? Well, get this.. allergic to cold. Yep, not kidding.. So went back home and google bout it.
"As strange as it sounds, it is possible to have an allergy to cold temperatures. Doctors refer to this as cold hives (urticaria).

In some people, skin exposure to cold temperatures triggers the release of histamine and other chemicals into the skin. This results in skin redness, itching, swelling and hives. Although symptoms may begin during the cold exposure, they're often worse during rewarming of the exposed skin.

The cause of cold urticaria isn't clear. But certain people appear to have overly sensitive histamine-containing skin cells.

As much as possible, people with cold urticaria should avoid exposure to cold air as well as cold water. For example, swimming in cold water is the most common cause of a severe, whole-body reaction — leading to fainting, shock and even death."

Yep, can die punya ooo. Ahk~ Nothing serious though, just need to take a pil when symptoms occurs. Tapi tula, kna pkai gloves, socks..nda buli jadi starring tahan sajuk. O by the way, macam Christmas? Im getting a lil bit homesick. 4th Christmas abroad. Though I can cook properly now. =p

Ba, sepa mo pok sia jadi laki tu ari tu a? Ahk =p

Anyway, Happy New Year 2009. bla bla bla bla bla bla (and may you have a good year)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

ReBranding of Jesus..

Disgusted! yeah,it was my first impression when i read this article in theStar newspaper lastweek. this article was about advertising, mainly came from the church's members who tried to renew the people's view or faith in God..well,since X'mas is just around the corner,cant help it though..

But,when i finished read the article,i found it really interesting, since their motives was not bad at all,but mainly to remind people about faith..nowadays, people put faith as a second thing in their life, coz money/lifestyle is the most important!! cant blamed them since i also feel the same way..and along the way to achieve this modern life, people think that put everything in faith wont change anything..really?

Even the lead member of this advertising group admitted that their purpose of doing so, was mainly to remind people of what they have missed..something about they can think and appreciated for the things happen in their life..one of the adv that their used last year was so fascinating. A frothy beer which showed Jesus's face on the glass!! Gosh, just wondering how many people will affected while drink the beer and see this pic,haha..but, what's the point also if finished drink, and saw the pic? will it change anything? Hm, something to think about eh..

hm,sorry for "terbalik" pic!! but u still can see eh? so great to put this kind of adv..anybody wana beer?

well, nobody expect that Jesus was born in bus stand eh? but from this pic, it try to show that no matter where u put the holliness,people still ignored that event and busy with their life..

this pic showed the one of the dictator leader in one of south america countries, in Jesus's form..well,i think that if u can scared of that kind of leader,then u should be scare of God...

Whatever it is, it's always depend on you, how u project ur faith towards God..nobody will blame u, or force u to do something which only to show how deep of ur believe in God..at least this my view, coz i always believe in God,but to show it by going to church every Sunday,nope i didnt do so..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1.Reporting in

Dun dun dun~ Hi, my name is Joy and I'll be posting crap and useless things on this blog, mostly about myself though, cause I'm one sad self centered lad. Please to make your acquaintance. (^_^)V

Wah lama nda blog ni. Ahk. So anyway, I'm just at home these days, been on holiday for a week now. Going back to work on 5th Jan. Kasih kamas bilik, kasih wangi, cause to be honest, every and I mean EVERY laki2 bujang, mesti ada time bilik dia tlampau a)samak b)kutur c)babau or d)a,b and c. It's hard to maintain a perfectly clean and neat room 24hours a day, 7days a week and so on and so on. It's just, bila ko balik dari kerja/kelas/jalan2, sometimes ko tlampau penat and can't be bothered with cleaning up. So, time cuti ni, brabis la kunun kasih smart bilik. Colour coding, susun buku ikut alphabet and type, etc etc. Cam OCD pula kadang2 sia rasa. Because sia tlampau sot, mo betul susun cara gitu kan, satu minggu suda but blum lagi abis susun bedroom ni. Ahk! Bad Joy..bad...
It's December, and people are starting to get on with their Christmas shopping. Last Saturday was the most crowded in this little town of Stafford all year. Ingatkan "credit crunch" nda la ramai urang kluar pigi shopping. Weeee, it's a reindeer!. Bukan payau aaa.(sia lupa this term,tpaksa tanya si Nuel =p) Santa's reindeer lost in Stafford. No Christmas presents for them kiddies! Big tree is also very pretty at night.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Mungkin terlalu awal for sia wish kamu kan,but better awal rather than nothing..so,dalam beberapa hari ni sebelum masuk tahun baru,banyak yg berlaku disekeliling kita!! landslide,car accidents, even pregnant lady kena langgar time baru ja keluar rumah,kesian bah..

Paling sia enda tahan adalah tentang landslide di Bukit Antarabangsa,KL..so sad,esp tempat tu berlaku 1.5km dari Highland Towers,15 years ago.masih ingat?even the Highland Tower's victim pun cakap,project will go on after 3months..this politician cakap banyak ja,but in reality,nothing happens!!
If semua sedar bahawa tempat tu enda selamat for hill projects,then why still approved the project?weird eh?and now,our Information Minister said that this blame should be shared both developer and buyer!! gosh,obviously people akan beli rumah yang baik,cantik and kawasan yg mg terkenal dari segi kualiti..so,salah pembeli rumah juga ka if they still proceed buy this house?then,why in the first place built this place,kalau bukan mau jual ni tempat,kan?if kamu faham apa maksud sia..

Why im so sad?well,coz one of the victim (young mother) happened to be a daughter-in-law to somebody,yang sia kenal.. and to read the newspaper,showing the grandma's pic (the one i know),its very unbelievable!!!

And today news, a 7-month old pregnant lady hit by car,just outside her house,im so sad..but keep saying about road/highway accident,but suddenly this thing happened in housing estate..everything happens when few days lagi mau masuk new year..im really sure,this will remains in the memory forever,coz sepa yang enda pernah ingat something happen during end of the year,kan? Condolences foe both family..

So,guys,please no heavy drink or dont do anything stupid during this few days of the remaining 2008 yah..Have a good celebration,wish u all "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009"..

"If only they learned from the past.." hopefully,our country will learn from this second tregedy!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


the spirit of paddy....

must have reason to have that dog,kan?maybe dog can see "thing"?

this remind me of metamorphosis..

Indeed, she was so beautiful..

Hm, never expected this kind of mythology, i mean from our culture itself, will make name in international stage..well,do you really know about this legend? come and read this..

First, there was nothing but Kinoingan and Sumundu . Together, they created man and the universe, the earth, and everything seen and unseen, known and unknown.

In the beginning, all was well in the Heavens, and the world was pure and beautiful. But one day, Ponompulan, Kinoingan’s son, rebelled against his divine father, and he corrupted the hearts and minds of the humans on earth.

Disappointed and angry, Kinoingan banished Ponompulan from the Heavens and cast him to Kolungkud . Then, to punish mankind for their sinful ways, Kinoingan sent seven plagues. The last plague was a severe draught, and famine threatened to destroy every living being on earth.

But at last, the people on earth realised their sin, and turned back to Kinoingan, to ask for forgiveness. Ponompuan, Kinoingan’s only daughter, entreated her father’s mercy to forgive the people of the world and consented to Kinoingan's proposal that she be sacrificed, as a symbol of the greatest love of all.

Kinoingan sacrificed His only daughter so that the people could have food. Her body parts were planted as seeds and became the food resource of the world: rice. Ponompuan’s spirit dwells in the paddy, and is the seven-in-one Bambaazon (Bambarayon), the spirit of the paddy. Red rice is the most sacred of all, because it was from the flesh of Ponompuan.

Ponompuan, who is often called Huminodun, is in essence the soul of the paddy. During harvesting time, the Bobohizans (Bobolians) usher the seven-in-one soul of Bambaazon to dwell in the Tangkob (Toguruon), at home, until the next planting season is due.

To thank Kinoingan for Bambaazon’s gift of a good harvest, the Pesta Ka’amatan (Harvest Festival) is held. The Kadazans forgive each other, restore and strengthen peace and harmony – not only on a worldly level, but also between nature and the spiritual world – and play the gongs, sing songs and dance to the ancient rhythm of life.

To commemorate the greatest love of all, Kinoingan’s sacrifice of His only daughter, the Kadazans idolise Huminodun and select the Unduk Ngadau (lit: zenith of the sun; Harvest Beauty Queen) in order to remember that Ponompuan was perfect: she was of total beauty of the heart, mind soul and body.

Macam enda percaya pulak we have this mythical legend kan? i mean after so long celebrated Pesta Menuai..wau...but today,sia mau highlights what happened in Hong Kong..well,there is one artist,local/sabahan, which she used digital photo technique, and created this beautiful painting, and sold it at Christie, an auction di Hong Kong for USD 38000/RM 117000..UNbelievable bah!! i feel like it was so true and it has the sense to be a true legend..

P/S: hopefully we will appreciated more of Pesta Menuai after this, rather than waiting just for "moginum",kan..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i need pics kita dulu2 bah...!!

guys,really need pics kita yg dulu ni,mau letak dalam title kita bah..
try tgk FS si jenn and joy,tapi endada..mengkali dorang delete sudah..so if got plz yah bagi pada sia..

what woman wants...

Classification: 18PL
Genre: Comedy/Romance
Running Time: 2 hours 24 minutes
Director: Michael Patrick King
Cast: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, Chris Noth, Jennifer Hudson, Lynn Cohen.
My Ratings: 4/5stars

I loved this movie. There, I was already bias before I even start on the review. If you are upset or depressed and really need a laugh, this is the movie for you. It was hilarious all the way. Like seriously, funny.. so, after the prof wu incident, this was like an elixir… and if you like movies like ‘devil wears prada’ and ‘27 dresses’, you would love this movie very very much too! The ‘baju’ all so nice- giving me the uncontrollable urge to shop. And the huge wardrobe? I was speechless… I was going like oh-my-God before Carrie repeated after me…

4 best-est girlfriends, Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Samantha (Kim Cattrall) in New York City, middle age women, experiencing difference phases of life, love and challenges.

I enjoyed this movie very much, besides being super hilarious, I guess, I find it easy to relate myself and people around me to it. Like no matter what happens, your best buddies girl friends will always be there. When I heard the question- why do you want to go to New York? It reminded my of suk teng… and I could already predict the answer.

On days of depression, you just bury yourself under the blankets and regress. And there was the laughing for no reason, and shouting ‘ahh’ and ‘oh my god’ that people from the next table stared back. Yes, those were the crazy old days.. I missed those days… hanging out on a girl’s night out is fun! Dressing up, shopping, going somewhere nice to eat, drink, have the ‘fashion show’, going on a vacation, playing ‘hang-man’, talking bout anything, everything, just chilling and laughter, sharing secrets… what will I do without them?

I guess this movie is an-every-girl's-dream-movie. You know the perfect guy-thingy and the happily-ever-after. And when you grow older, you realized that they both do not exist.

When you are single, you wonder where he/she is. When you are in a relationship, you wonder whether he/she is the one. And you will never stop wondering… And girls being girls; are not easily satisfied. (but,is that easy too being a guy?)

P/S: this mbovie really taught me, the meaning of marriage for the women.well,indeed, everybody scared of getting married!!its a positive event,but really take ur time..and,we or me,as a guy,honestly not really mind if marry at a late age,but how about the girl? nobody right or wrong in this matter,the important thing, appreciate whatever u have in life..

meet the Johns

well,haaaaaave u meet the Johns?haha,simply put pics here so u can see my "whole part"..well,mumy sia bgtahu, kalau mau kenal sama itu org,bagus kenal juga sama family dia..and,if u have Gf/Bf, make sure dia cintai family kamu juga..fuh,dalam bah maksud mumy sia tu.saja bg renungan untuk kamu semua,haha

this pics taken last 2 weeks, during my bro's graduation..u can see my elder sis,younger sis,mumy and bro..

until then, hope many of u will put ur family pics as well...
P/S: i do hope can see Jenn's engagement pics=)

segalanya bermula di sini..

just ignore the title,ya..i just saw an advs today which give me some idea for this blog..well.i tried my best to get name for this blog,and end up with this..so,feel free to give me anything or info if u all got new name for this blog..

i feel great now,coz at least can do something fro my ex-YS student/friends here..but let have a broad vision, as long as all of u or any ex-YS wana joins here,why not?not necessary from our batch,rite? but hope with good intentions then..

hopefully,from here no more complaints regarding FS is slow,or hard to post or watsoever..well,really hope those who are in oversea ( u know who are they?),please give us here some info about oversea life,culture or show us good pics there..

anyway,dont grilled ur head thinking of my title's meaning yah!! its just so easy,just find out the major race in sabah..

until then,hope u all will contributes to this site...BAh